I actually found out about the society thanks to my partners dad who also has a keen interest in photography. The society runs every Thursday night and at a bargain of £40 for the entire year I had to give it a go. So far I've been to two nights and then an extra portrait night and I'm loving it. I had to obviously drag Lyndon along the first time otherwise nerves would have got the better of me but I needn't have worried. Around 50 people attended made up of a variety of long time attendees and first timers like myself.
Each week the evenings vary from having extremely experienced photographers share their images and knowledge, to competition nights and more, but so far for me, the portrait night has been the best by far.
I've never even met a model before let alone being given the opportunity to shoot one, so I had no idea what was in store for me, and what would be involved, but I really, really enjoyed it! The guys in charge set up the black back drop, a few lights and talked us through the positioning of the lights and model, as well as explaining how the wireless flash trigger worked. This was a little trigger that sat on top of our cameras, that basically triggered the large external flash when we took a photo. The guy in charge took a few snaps and then away we went!
I wasn't sure what to say to the model or what to ask her to do, so I think I ended up saying a lot of random things that I don't really remember but hey it's all good interaction. At one point I remember shouting "SMILE!" and being told "Oh no you used the S word!!" I quickly recomposed myself and shouted "BE SERIOUS!"
I honestly found it a lot of fun. and learnt a lot as well! Fun AND educational! Anyway, I hope you like the photos I've chosen to put on here. I'm trying out a trial version of Lightroom which is very popular with wedding photographers, so that's why they all look different as I wanted to play around with the different effects. Comments on your favourites (or least favourites!) would be much appreciated! thanks xxx
The first outfit
I think this one above might be my favourite
thanks for looking!
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